Systemic Collaborations emphasizes on empowering individuals to get to their full potential, when being challenged in life.

My approach is a Systemic one, that includes the environment or “system”, where the individual is embedded in. For me, one main part of this system are healthy relationships and functioning Collaborations with surrounding people or groups. In a work context, this could also mean, that there is a need for a transformation of an organisation to develope an effective work environment, that everybody can make the most out of it.
Systemic Approach
A systemic approach is a way of understanding people and their problems by looking at the bigger picture, including their relationships and environments. It focuses on how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected to family dynamics and social situations.
This approach was developed in the mid-20th century, mainly by therapists and researchers who noticed that individual issues often relate to the groups people are part of, like families or communities. They showed that by addressing the patterns in relationships, people could find better solutions to their problems.

About me
My name is Peter Resch,
I was born in Austria, where I grew up in the mountains.
I went to a technical high-school, studied physics and teaching studies (physics and cooking & household)
I have been participating volunteering in multiple local associations for years.
I worked as a self-employed chef and educator in a self-organized cooperative with main focus on food waste in Innsbruck.
I moved to Copenhagen in 2024, starting my self-employment there and am on the way to finish the certified (SG) 2-year systemic coaching training in Berlin.
My work values …
center around collaboration, positive communication and equity. I believe, that diverse perspectives and a understanding about these sights lead to improvements in life. Furthermore open dialogue fosters trust and inclusivity. Therefore, I am dedicated to create a safe talking-space where everyone feels heard. Because in my conception of people, everybody wants to participate and act constructive in theirs environment and is expert in theirs own life.
My experiences …
in the educational field tought me to create versatile, inclusive learning environments. Additionally, in the years I spent working in collectives and associations I got to know how to facilitate constructive meetings properly. When I started to work in the flat-hyrarchie cooperative feldschafft, these foundations were fostered with overview and insight in an agile organisation. Taking over responsibility and committing to management tasks, I became Co-CEO and board member. It was there, where we discussed a lot about remuneration, payment, values and worked on New Pay ideas. Still in Austria, I began my training for systemic coaching at INCUM in Tirol, Austria. Subsequently, I will finalize the training for “systemic coaching and organisation developement” in 2025 at SIA in Berlin, Germany.
Shortly after moving to Copenhagen, I decided to get self-employed with systemic coaching as a service. For me, coaching combines not only my experiences from the past. Above all, it is a progressive tool for challenges in the world and my interests for the future. Therefore I am also member of Coaches for Future.
The training at SIA I am doing right now, is based on the specifications of the systemic umbrella organizations and corresponds to the “Systemic Coaching” guidelines of the Systemic Society (SG). The scope of this training is a total of 375h over two years.
In coaching sessions I often use writing as a methode of clarification. Starting with immaterial thoughts we together create reality through writing them down. Thereafter we let the mind resonate, clarify and specify further with this product, to reach your intended goal.
In a manner of a systemic approach, I frequently use tools to change perspectives, to open new sights and help to create alternative possibilities.
Moreover, I use emotions to guide to certain solutions and lead to better understanding for theirs causes.
My biggest interests …
lie at the intersection of sustainability and social justice. Especially, topics about sustainable foodsystems and climate justice are important to me. Consequently, this is the connector to my work in the field of facilitating and coaching. Because, I believe that a just future hinges on our ability to work together towards common goals. As a result, I am particularly intrigued in approaches of post-growth and regenerative economies and new-work concepts.
After long discussions about how to create a enjoyable, future world, I now stand for acting. We need to act and focus on resource conservation, rethink traditional economic models and equitable opportunities for all.
Companies I worked with…
- Feld:schafft, Cooperative, Genossenschaft zur Nutzung von Ungenutztem:
- Thomas Schafferer, Artist: